

13/49.- Pittsburgh, Market Square


Market Square, This is a nice place to just sit and do nothing. Or you can enjoy the many concerts held here, or sample the cuisine of the restaurants and bars. I particularly like the lamps. The Square was created in 1764 when John Campbell mapped out the city plan. It was home to the first courthouse and the first jail. It was also home to the first newspaper, the Post-Gazette, established in 1786. Not far from Market Square, going left, you'll come across the Hilton hotel which overlooks Point State Park with its large fountain which beckons people to jump into it. The land at the Point was home to Native Americans like the Iroquois and the Shawnee. Later, the ever-ready and ever-ambitious French and British fought like cat and dog over this perfect spot whose natural resources and excellent waterways made for a place to thrive in. In the end the British won and in 1759 they duly erected a fort which they called Fort Pitt in honor of the British Prime Minister, William Pitt. A few years later the town plan known as Pittsbourgh was produced.

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